Detailed guide to installation and operation of the Indigo Vaccine Carrier and Indigo Charger.
A course designed to teach users essential procedures for the Indigo Vaccine Carrier and Indigo Charger.
Detailed guide to maintenance and troubleshooting for the Indigo Vaccine Carrier and Indigo Charger.
Cold life is the duration of cooling capacity remaining in the vaccine carrier. For example, if the cooler lid display shows three days of cold life remaining, there is enough charge in the ColdLoop™ cooling engine to keep the vaccine chamber between 2 and 8 °C for at least three days.
The vaccine carrier is designed to ensure five continuous days of cold life.
The claim of a minimum of five days at 2-8 °C is tested at a 43 °C ambient temperature, per WHO PQS standards. The cooling capacity required to initially pull the vaccine chamber temperature down to 2-8 °C is factored into this five-day standard.
Charging the cooler resets the cold life timer to five days. The timer begins counting down the first time the cold key is in put in place. The countdown is suspended whenever the cold key is removed. If the vaccine chamber is allowed to heat up, additional cooling power is required to re-cool once the cold key is applied. To account for this, the timer subtracts a maximum of one day’s worth of cold time every time the cold key is removed and re-applied.
It is possible that a vaccine carrier will supply more than five days of cold life if the average ambient temperature is lower than 43 °C. However, as the cold life timer will reach zero after five days, it will be unclear to the user how much cold life remains. To ensure vaccines are not spoiled, we recommend planning outreach that requires five days or less of cold life.
The vaccine chamber is designed for 1.7L functional capacity
It is likely the cooler lid is not functioning properly if any of the following occur:
We recommend returning the cooler for a replacement if any of the following occur:
It is likely the vaccine carrier is not functioning properly if any of the following occur:
Please contact the manufacturer at
Please leave the tether in place at all times, including charging. Each cooler must stay paired with its original lid, otherwise the data associated with the cooler will be inaccurate.
The vaccine carrier can be used to transport other temperature-sensitive medical supplies, including reverse-logistic activities with blood and feces. Such activities should be conducted as entirely separate outreaches, and the vaccine chamber should not be shared with mixed medical materials, e.g., vaccines and feces should not be stored simultaneously. Always use established protocols for safe transport of medical samples and for cleaning between uses.
Padding can help protect the vials on particularly rough trips. If padding is used, be sure to remove it before charging.
This is not necessary. We have found that vials are difficult to break even with considerable movement.
It is safe to place vaccines in the cooler when the lid registers a temperature between 2 °C and 8 °C. We do not recommend placing vaccines in the cooler while the cooling operation is in progress.
ColdLoop® uses energy to evaporate water in the inner absorbent layer surrounding the vaccine chamber. This cools the vaccine chamber, as the energy drawn from the chamber is heat. The water then moves to the outer ceramic desiccant layer as vapor. Once in the outer layer, the water condenses, releasing the energy that was required for evaporation as heat. As the inner and outer layers are separated by vacuum insulation, this released heat cannot re-heat the vaccine chamber, and instead dissipates into the surrounding environment.
Starting at 43 °C, the vaccine chamber will reach 8 °C in roughly thirty minutes.
The temperature reading on the cooler lid will begin to drop within two minutes of application.
Rated Input Voltage: 110VAC - 278VAC
Phases: 1
Frequency: 50Hz/60Hz
Minimum current draw: 3.3A (278VAC)
Maximum current draw: 8.2A (110VAC)
A 1.5kVa generator will support a single charger; a 2.5 kVa generator will support two chargers.
If a charged vaccine carrier is not used within four months, we recommend recharging.
Yes. Please leave the tether in place at all times, including charging. Each cooler must stay paired with its original lid, otherwise the data associated with the cooler will be inaccurate.
Please do not remove the cooler before the charger says the charge cycle is complete and the cooler is safe to remove.
Please do not put anything in the charger other than the cooler from the matching product series.
The charger is not intended for use at altitudes exceeding 2000m.
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